dreams aims to recreate the sensation of seeing something within a dream and knowing it is not there, but believing that it is.
a monolithic entity with flat faces, sharp vertices, and floating parts is juxtaposed with scenes of nature untouched by human interference.
each piece highlights a different aspect of the entity.
     remnant emphasizes the static and unchanging nature of the entity, which has long since been weathered and overgrown.
     mirror portrays the entity as nearly invisible and silent, merely a reflection of the life and environment around it.
     solitude displays the entity as a focus of the world around it, with subtle beams of light traveling to and from the entity.
     flow depicts the entity as a creator, shaping and generating the environment around itself.
the entity is not one thing, or many things.
it exists not in one place, nor in all places, nor any place at all.
it is whatever you want it to be, and the exact opposite.





the entity was modeled from scratch in solidworks and rendered with different materials and positions in a plain environment.
the entity was composited into various backgrounds and masked to fit into the already existing landscape.
the entity was retextured and recolored using various methods, including partial masking, masking images on top of the faces, and brushwork.
additional elements such as vines, lighting effects, birds, and lava flows were masked into the image and blended with the entity and background.
lighting, hue, color balance, and various other adjustments were made until the entity matched the background.
different effects were added to each piece, including chromatic aberration, fog/clouds, shadows, glows, reflections, etc.